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About The Trip

Tisha B’Av

campsports July 17, 2013

Yesterday in Camp was Tisha B’Av, the national day of mourning for the Jewish people. Special programming was provided throughout Tisha B’Av, geared to giving High Schoolers a meaningful experience of our sufferings. After maariv, in which Rabbi Green gave a powerful speech, and Rabbi Zucker showed a video helping us to understand the miracle of the continued existence of the Jewish people, the Kollel had a Kumzitz and Jonathan Shyman gave a shiur about the Beis Hamikdash. The next morning we sat on the floor as we read Kinnos. Each Kinna we read was introduced by a staff member, detailing its importance and making it meaningful to us. There were educational videos playing all afternoon for those who were interested, with a break for Mincha at 730.
We broke our fast to delicious Dunkin’ Donuts and there were open sports until 1130, capping a long, but meaningful day.