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About The Trip

Shabbos #4

campsports July 21, 2013

Our 4th and final Shabbos in camp was very powerful. Every week, Rabbi Green speaks about how Shabbos influences your week and your week influences Shabbos.
This week was a powerful week, highlighted by Tisha B’Av on Tuesday. On Thursday, we had our camp-wide Sukkah building competition, which was won by Daniel Feldman, Yehudah Weitz, and Seth Mintz. As we near the playoffs, the league games have intensified, and by the time we arrived at Shabbos, everybody was exhausted.
Kabbalas Shabbos was extra inspiring this week, as Rabbi Green pointed out, we need this inspiration to last us 11 months until next summer. There was a buzz the whole shabbos, with everyone realizing it was the last one, and everyone made sure to make the most out of it.