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About The Trip

Bike Hike/Tubing- Ariel Shakoohi

burackz July 19, 2012

Today, we went on an extremely fun and challenging trip; a 32 mile bike hike and tubing. I and about 7 other campers along Rabbi Green and Rabbi Cooper  had the courage and strength to take on the grueling bike ride. Riding behind Daniel Feldman , past half the 6 mile mark, we passed by a lady talking and walking with her goat and dog. It started hailing and raining, and thunder and lighting struck nearby and it was perfect timing because we were at the halfway mini mart and Rabbi Green bought us drinks and snacks. We waited a few minutes for the storm to calm down and then we made our way back. On the way back Rabbi Green and Daniel Walz were pedaling as hard as they can to beat Alex and I in the front, but apparently “age does make a difference”, and in the end we outplayed them by 5 minutes.. We may have gotten wet and dirty, but it made for a very memorable trip.

-Ariel Shahkoohi