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About The Trip

Summer 2018

Camp Sports 2018: 1 SECOND EVERY DAY!

Our very own Eidan Horn created a video encapsulating the entire summer into 30 SECONDS! Great job, Eidan! Have a wonderful Shabbos everyone, and stay tuned next week for the official Camp Sports 2018 END-OF-THE-SUMMER video!



Miss camp? Let’s take a look back at WEEK 4 of CAMP SPORTS!

A Look Back at WEEK 3!!

Take a look back at WEEK 3 of CAMP SPORTS 2018!

A Look Back at WEEK 2!!

Take a look back at week 2 of CAMP SPORTS 2018!

A Look Back at WEEK 1!!

Have you seen the awesome week 1 video for Camp Sports 2018, yet? Check it out!

Camper Thoughts: Yeshurin Sorscher

The day started out with a bang with Rabbi Zucker waking up the talmidim with a piercing whistle that mamish shook the earth. After davening we had a raffle for all those that came on time for davening, and the lucky winner got a delicious donut from Dunkin’ Donuts.

After shtieging away with our advisors in morning seder, we have a delicious lunch consisting  of potato and cheese blintzes. We then loaded the buses to a Judaica store where our advisors helped us pick out seforim which we will learn with them throughout  the year.

But the day didn’t end there, we then went to a laser tag complex, where we were able to display our sniping and shooting ability in a safe and kosher fashion.

Yet with all this amazingness, the day was STILL not over, Rabbi Zucker had a spectacular surprise for us, the Zucker Games. These games though seem ridiculous  to an outsider, are in fact uniting the camp sports family in a fun and exciting way. Showing us that fun can happen in a good environment!

Camper Thoughts: Shimmy Lang

When I first arrived at Camp Sports I was loved and greeted by the whole community. Before settling into a room I was already welcomed by most of the counselors. The campers are also so nice and even shy like me.

When kids go to a summer camp they don’t expect to learn but the advisors find a way to make it fun and interesting and you learn many things about your Jewish life. The Learning groups will also give a chance at making new friends at Camp there are different learning groups for different levels of Jewish study.

The part most people come for is, of course, Sports and the trips. When you play sports you interact with your team and you build relationships with all of them; the team becomes part of your family. The trips also give you new relationships with your fellow campers. Playing sports is fun, however, you must bring your A-game because you will definitely need it. Camps Sports has taught me to love and care for every Jew. Camp is helping guide us in the right direction, I still have a lot to learn with Camp Sports, and I know I’ll find new adventures on the way.

Day 10 & 11: Bowling and Guest Speaker

On Sunday, Guest speaker, Coach Katz described to the NCSY-ers the connection between sports and Judaism.

Day 9: Boating and Hike Trip

Day 6: Paintball and Ropes-course and Hikes, oh my!!

Today we all had an AMAZING time on our trips. Our NCSY-ers had the choice of going paintballing, on a ropes-course, or on a hike. Following the paintball and the ropes-course, we had a delicious Bar-Be-Que, with the camp’s new grill.