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About The Trip

Summer 2015

First Shabbos in Camp Sports!

After our teens had a long full first day on Thursday, Friday wasn’t ready to be showed up. Our teens got to hear our very own Rabbi Fried say over an Erev Shabbos Dvar Torah as Rabbi Fried spoke about Balak from this week’s Parsha. Following the speech, our NCSYers ran for a quick lunch so they could eagerly begin their second day of sports. It was yet another competitive day of sports in sunny Baltimore, and many NCSYers went to Walmart to stock up on additional snacks and drinks for the coming week and for Shabbos after the league game!

Our first Shabbos was definitely a great one. After a very nice Carlebach style Davening on Friday night, we shared our first Shabbos meal together in the dining room, spent time with our advisors while singing Shabbos Zemiros (songs), and heard a wonderful Dvar Torah from NCSYer Kalev Cohen. After the meal, we all went to a special Friday night Tish led by Rabbi Kimche.

On Shabbos day, the NCSYers had a day to unwind and relax from the previous two intense days. After lunch and a beautiful Dvar Torah by NCSYer Mordechai Blau, many of us either went back to the Bais Medrash to learn with our advisors, played various board games in the dorms while enjoying snacks, or got a chance to catch a Shabbos nap. Towards the end of the afternoon, we all were woken up with Rita’s ices and many of us partook in the “Bais Medrash Hour” before Rabbi Green had a learning discussion with the NCSYers. Following that, we all went to Shalosh Seudos and then back to the Bais Medrash for “Ebbing” with Zemiros led by Yaakov Abromovitz, and a powerful speech by Rabbi Zucker. Once Shabbos concluded, everyone ran back to their rooms to change for a night of bowling with a pizza Melave Malka that followed. We can’t wait to share with you our experiences from our first full week of camp to come!

Camp Sports Starts off with a Bang!

The first few days have been exciting and action packed. Almost 90 teens arrived to our camp on Wednesday eager for yet another summer with camp sports. On the first day, our staff helped the teens unload their belongings and help situate everyone into their rooms followed by a pizza lunch and pickup ultimate frisbee and basketball games. After everyone got to rest from their trip, we had a quick camp orientation followed by night sports. On Thursday, we had our first day of morning learning groups with the advisors. This summer’s learning groups will focus on the laws of Kashrus (keeping Kosher), and we are already off to a tasteful start. Following lunch, Rabbi Green went over the rules for our camp wide sports league and captains met with their teammates before we played our first league game later that afternoon. Thursday had a lot more in store for our NCSYers though….

After the NCSYers got to shower and eat dinner from a competitive first day of sports, we all got to play bubble soccer out on the football field on campus. Our day wasn’t over just yet! Every Thursday night, Camp Sports has our Mishmar night, followed by our weekly and Mishmar raffles and Erev Shabbos Cholent for everyone. The Bais Medrash was packed as the NCSYers got to choose an advisor and learn whatever they wanted to learn from our large selection of Seforim at our NCSY library in the Bais Medrash. The first two days were nothing short of a blast, and looking forward to sharing more updates with you of our #BESTSUMMEREVER!


Hey everyone,

We are officially less than 48 hours away until the start of camp!

To stay tuned this summer with pictures, videos, quotes and more, be sure to follow us on ALL of our social media pages.

They are now all up and actively running and will be updated daily and often with all our highlights from what promises to be the #BESTSUMMEREVER!!!

For Facebook, follow NCSY Camp Sports-

For Instagram, follow ncsycampsports-

For Twitter, follow @NCSYCampSports-


Advisor Spotlight: Levi Akkerman

An excerpt from the diary of Evil Namreka the alter ego of Levi Akkerman:
You Levi Akkerman are very annoying. You’ve dragged me all through your life to the most exotic places while all i want to do is sit in one spot and read poetry. Going to silver spring for once a month gets very tiresome when you have to sit on a bus for hours on end. Why cant you just stay in Monsey where we live? Arent there enough yeshivos there? And why did you drag me all the way out to south bend for twelfth grade? that was a pain. This is all a breeze compared to what you plan on doing next year shlepping out all the way to Israel to the Mir. At least there you wont have all the guitars and sports you enjoy so much and we might be able to focus on some of my hobbies that include but arent limited to heirloom tomatoes, poetry…

Advisor Spotlight: Ozzie Marizan

Hey guys! My name is Ozzie Marizan, and I am so pumped to be working at Camp Sports for my second summer! I am 21 years old and conveniently live right here in Baltimore. My favorite sports are all of them except ultimate frisbee. “Fun” fact, I tore my ACL playing football a year and a half ago. I also love reading and getting food from such fine establishments as Dunkin Donuts and Dougies

Looking forward to the #BEST.SUMMER.EVER. with Camp Sports!


Advisor Spotlight: Yaakov Abramovitz

Yaakov is excited to be returning for his fifth summer in Camp Sports, though he cannot believe how fast the years have flown by. He spends most of the year training for camp by taking occasional, casual strolls back and forth between Queens, NY and Baltimore, MD. No Biggie. And yet by halftime of the first Frisbee game in camp, he is aching in muscles he didn’t even know he had. He has no idea why that might be.

The only thing Yaakov enjoys more than developing a great relationship with NCSYers during camp, is continuing that friendship after camp. Yaakov likes to bond with people through learning, sports, schmoozing, tiddlywinks, going out for ice cream, bowling, board games, knitting, baseball, and more schmoozing,

As dorm counselor, Yaakov is on top of his game to make sure that everyone’s needs are taken care of (aside from his own sleep needs) and that everyone is comfortable (by camp standards, at least).


Yaakov also loves writing short bios of himself in third person. (At least that’s what he told me…)

Advisor Spotlight: Jeremy Epstein

What’s up guys?? My name is Jeremy Epstein and I am really psyched for my second summer as an advisor in Camp Sports!!

A little bit about me: I just graduated Yeshiva University, I have been working for NJ NCSY for the past few years as the head advisor of the Teaneck chapter, I am an EMT and love putting on sun tan lotion, and I love camp J. Oh, and I also love driving to 7/11 after a long and hot day of sports…

See you all soon!!

Advisor Spotlight: Aaron Haber

Wherever he is right now, Aaron is probably having a good laugh. The upbeat Staten Island native has a way of putting a light spin on anything and everything. When he’s not hanging out or playing frisbee, Aaron is sculpting origami masterpieces. He fancies himself a man of the arts, a fan of both symphonies and rock concerts. Aaron enjoys hiking, and is always up for a road trip. At the end of the day, Aaron’s just a regular guy looking for fun any way he can get it.

A Camp Sports veteran (7 years and counting!), Aaron’s looking forward to making this the best summer he and everyone else in camp has ever had.

Get Ready for Summer 2015


We are very excited to welcome you to the official Camp Sports 2015 website!

As we approach less than TWO weeks until the first day of camp, our staff is currently working around the clock planning the schedule for the BEST.SUMMER.EVER. Please make sure to check our website often as we will frequently be updating blog posts, pictures, videos and daily recaps to keep everyone in the loop of what promises to be an AMAZING summer!

Over the next week and into the summer, we will feature a short bio of some of the staff, so you get to know our incredible summer staff team!

Please make sure to follow us at @NCSYCampSports on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram for picture updates and up to the moment highlights and news from every day!
