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About The Trip

First Shabbos in Camp Sports!

campsports July 5, 2015

After our teens had a long full first day on Thursday, Friday wasn’t ready to be showed up. Our teens got to hear our very own Rabbi Fried say over an Erev Shabbos Dvar Torah as Rabbi Fried spoke about Balak from this week’s Parsha. Following the speech, our NCSYers ran for a quick lunch so they could eagerly begin their second day of sports. It was yet another competitive day of sports in sunny Baltimore, and many NCSYers went to Walmart to stock up on additional snacks and drinks for the coming week and for Shabbos after the league game!

Our first Shabbos was definitely a great one. After a very nice Carlebach style Davening on Friday night, we shared our first Shabbos meal together in the dining room, spent time with our advisors while singing Shabbos Zemiros (songs), and heard a wonderful Dvar Torah from NCSYer Kalev Cohen. After the meal, we all went to a special Friday night Tish led by Rabbi Kimche.

On Shabbos day, the NCSYers had a day to unwind and relax from the previous two intense days. After lunch and a beautiful Dvar Torah by NCSYer Mordechai Blau, many of us either went back to the Bais Medrash to learn with our advisors, played various board games in the dorms while enjoying snacks, or got a chance to catch a Shabbos nap. Towards the end of the afternoon, we all were woken up with Rita’s ices and many of us partook in the “Bais Medrash Hour” before Rabbi Green had a learning discussion with the NCSYers. Following that, we all went to Shalosh Seudos and then back to the Bais Medrash for “Ebbing” with Zemiros led by Yaakov Abromovitz, and a powerful speech by Rabbi Zucker. Once Shabbos concluded, everyone ran back to their rooms to change for a night of bowling with a pizza Melave Malka that followed. We can’t wait to share with you our experiences from our first full week of camp to come!